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The United Arab Emirates has a hot subtropical climate. As the locals themselves claim, the weather here is either hot or very hot—there are only two seasons in the country, both of which are perfect for beach vacations. Thanks to the excellent climate, picturesque nature, and high level of safety, the country has been one of the most popular travel destinations for many years. A trip to the UAE leaves unforgettable impressions in any season. But before you set off on your journey, it’s worth understanding what the weather is like in the United Arab Emirates and when is the best time to go on vacation. In our article, we will talk about the features of the local climate and describe the UAE weather by month.


The arrival of winter in the United Arab Emirates can only be noticed on the calendar. Throughout the country, the weather remains warm, perfect for walks and sightseeing. The average daytime temperature is +26 °C, dropping to +17 °C by evening. The sea water usually does not cool below +18 °C.

If you plan to celebrate New Year in the UAE, it’s worth buying tickets in advance. When preparing for the trip, take some warm clothes with you—for example, a shawl for women or a sweater for men. Although the country is located in a desert climate zone, nights in December can be cool, and there are often short heavy rains along the coast.


If you’re interested in the weather in the UAE by month, note that January has the coldest temperatures. During the day, the air warms up to +23…+24 °C, and at night it becomes quite cool—down to +13…+14 °C. The coldest temperatures are in Abu Dhabi, where the thermometer can drop to +11 °C at night.

The sea water is not very pleasant—no higher than +16 °C—so most tourists spend their time exploring the sights and lifestyle of the country. For those who don’t want to give up swimming, there are heated pools available, which can be found in almost every hotel. When going for a walk, remember that there are occasional light rains in January. The least amount of rain is in Fujairah and Abu Dhabi.


The weather conditions in February are more comfortable compared to January. The thermometer rises to +26 °C during the day, and the water gradually warms up to +17…+19 °C. However, nights in the UAE are still cold, not exceeding +17 °C, so there are not many people willing to take a sea bath.

February has the highest amount of precipitation. Rains are observed almost all over the country, with the western coast, especially the emirate of Abu Dhabi, being the most humid. Nevertheless, a cool rain is unlikely to spoil the impression of the trip, as there are no more than 5-10 rainy days throughout the month.


The first spring month delights with gentle sun and pleasant warmth. In March, there is no strong heat yet, but the temperature already allows for spending a lot of time on the beach. During the day, the thermometer stays at +26…+28 °C, dropping to +18…+20 °C at night. The water in the Persian Gulf warms up to +22 °C.

In March, tourists who do not like intense heat but want to escape from early spring dampness come to the UAE. Rainfall during this period is rare. Fujairah is dry throughout the month, but in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, an umbrella is sometimes needed.


April has the most comfortable temperatures in the UAE by month. This month is the peak of the resort season and never fails to delight tourists with good weather. Precipitation in April is rare. However, the characteristic feature of this period is frequent fogs, which can disrupt plans for sightseeing.

The middle of spring spoils vacationers with warmth around the clock. During the day, the air temperature is +28…+30 °C, and in the evening, the cities cool down to an average of +23 °C. The water in the Persian Gulf is perfect for swimming—around +27 °C. In the Oman Gulf, the sea is cooler—usually not higher than +21 °C.


May is the most popular month for traveling to the UAE among Russian tourists. Tours are sold out long before the trip, so it can be difficult to get to the country during this period. However, it is May that can give a sense of summer without intense heat. Although the air temperature rises to +35…+37 °C, the thermal sensations remain comfortable, and the heat is easily tolerated.

The sea water is perfect for swimming and diving. In Fujairah, it warms up to +23 °C, and off the coast of the Persian Gulf, it is even higher, up to +27 °C. You can relax on the beaches all day long. May is characterized by dry weather, almost without precipitation, but it is important to note that there are constant winds from the sea, and sandstorms occur in the emirates from time to time.


In June, the proximity of the desert begins to be keenly felt in the UAE. The country is engulfed in heat that does not leave the emirates until autumn. It is not worth expecting rain at the beginning of summer. Every day, sunny weather prevails in the cities, and the only way to escape the heat is on the beaches or in public pools. In May, the heat is still easily tolerable, but when going outside, it is advisable to prefer clothing made of cotton.

The daytime air temperature reaches up to +37…+39 °C, dropping to around +26 °C at night. Resting in the emirate of Fujairah is more comfortable, where the sea water warms up to an average of +25 °C. In other emirates, the sea temperature near the coast reaches +27 °C. Thanks to this, in June, divers love to come to the UAE. The warm water is perfect for diving to the bottom of the bay and observing underwater inhabitants.


July is extremely hot throughout the country. During the day, the thermometer in Dubai rises to +40 °C, and in the southern emirates, it reaches +42…+43 °C. Sometimes, temperatures up to +50 °C are recorded in the country, so residents hardly go outside. It is worth traveling to the emirates in July only if you tolerate such heat well. Note that the heat does not subside even in the evening, and at night, the thermometer usually stays at around +28 °C.

Despite the heat, sunny weather attracts many Russian tourists. Air conditioning works in hotels and public places, so guests can always escape the scorching air. It is better to swim in cooled pools, but if you wish, you can go to the beach. The water near the coast of the Persian Gulf is hot—up to +30 °C. The sea is slightly cooler in the Oman Gulf region—up to +26 °C.


August is practically no different from July. It remains hot in the country, with temperatures during the day hovering around +40…+42 °C, dropping to +28 °C at night. Sandstorms occasionally hit the emirates, bringing winds from the southeast. They can last for several days, but they are rare and do not disturb tourists’ rest.

The water temperature in the UAE by month shows that in August, the sea remains hot. Near the coast of Fujairah, the water is still quite comfortable for swimming—up to +25 °C, while the sea in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah no longer provides relief from the summer heat, warming up to +31 °C. To allow guests to escape the heat, many hotels offer pools with water cooled to a pleasant temperature.


At the beginning of autumn, the heat begins to gradually subside. The thermometer drops not too noticeably yet, but the weather is already more comfortable for a trip to the United Arab Emirates. During the day, it is still hot in Abu Dhabi—around +40 °C, while in Dubai and Sharjah, it is cooler—up to +36…+38 °C. The water temperature decreases but remains pleasant for taking a dip in the sea. Near the coast of Fujairah, it stays at around +24 °C, and in other emirates, it reaches up to +27 °C.

Rainfall in September is practically nonexistent. However, a characteristic phenomenon is the morning fog, which brings coolness and significantly increases humidity. Because of this, it can feel stuffy, although by noon, the humidity begins to decrease.


With the arrival of October, the high season begins in the country. Many tourists travel to the emirates to enjoy the comfortable autumn weather, relax on the beaches, and explore the colorful Arabian sights. The highest temperature this month is recorded on the western coast of the UAE. During the day, the thermometer stays around +35 °C, dropping to +22 °C at night. In Fujairah, it is cooler: the air temperature does not exceed +33 °C during daylight hours.

Rain in October is rare, but the humidity remains high. In the mornings, fog gathers on the coast, which is replaced by bright sunshine by noon. The sea water remains warm. Its temperature of around +27 °C allows both adults and young children to enjoy time in the sea.


November is a great time for walks and cultural activities. UAE resorts are crowded with tourists who want to combine beach relaxation with sightseeing. The sea water is still comfortable for swimming. Near Fujairah, it warms up to +23 °C, and near the coast of Dubai, it delights vacationers with a pleasant temperature of +25 °C. Starting in November, hotels begin to offer guests heated pools, as the sea can cool down to +20 °C on some days.

The average air temperature in the country varies in the range of +28…+30 °C during the day. However, nights are becoming cooler with each passing day. In Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, the thermometer can drop to +17 °C at night, and in Fujairah, to +22 °C. Sometimes, tourists are worried about rain, but usually, it is brief and does not interfere with walks.


If you are planning to visit the country, the climate in the UAE by month is the criterion that you should consider first. The least suitable time for vacation is summer, as it is too hot and humid at resorts during this period. However, prices decrease in the summer, allowing tourists to save on their travels. Winter is more suitable for curious travelers who want to explore local attractions. The best time for beach holidays is the shoulder seasons. In March-May and October-December, the weather in the emirates is comfortable, allowing for plenty of time on the coast.

The real estate agency Alira is well-versed in the weather and features of life in the United Arab Emirates. If you are planning to buy property in the UAE, we will provide detailed consultations on any issue and assist with the purchase/sale transaction. Our team will find suitable real estate options for you, explain the opportunities for investing in square meters, and provide comprehensive legal support at every stage. To consult with real estate specialists in the UAE, leave a request on the website, write to the email, or call us at +971 (588) 337 903, +7 (986) 927-73-77..


Fujairah is the warmest emirate in winter. You can also have a good rest in Dubai or Sharjah during the winter months.

The shoulder seasons are the best time for a beach holiday and visits to the beaches. With children, it is worth going to Dubai, where there are dolphinariums, water parks, a zoo, and many entertainment centers.

If you are going on a beach holiday, be sure to take sunscreen for your skin, suitable headgear, and light but covering clothing.

Only if the child tolerates heat well. Summer in the UAE offers a great family vacation. Almost all hotels accept children under 12 for free during this period, and good discounts are provided in entertainment centers and water parks.

The sea water warms up best in the summer. In July, its temperature in the Persian Gulf can reach +29 °C. To escape the heat, many tourists prefer to swim in the Oman Gulf, where the sea usually does not warm up above +26 °C.

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